Workshop Registration

The DREAMAP workshop will take place on Monday 27th 14:00-18:00 in the room SC104 at Polytech Montpellier. See ECAI12 Workshop Venue page for more details.


Diagnosis is the reasoning process that aims at determining whether certain properties (such as the occurrence of a failure, of an unexpected measurement, or of a deviation from prescribed behavior) hold at a given time inside a system (fault diagnosis) and/or in its environment (situation diagnosis) and identifying their causes. Diagnosis reasoning is thus crucial for many reasons: safety/maintainability in supervised systems, robustness/decision autonomy of smart agents in their partially observed environment, reconfiguration of business strategies after a failure... Despite the huge spectrum of applications, Model-Based Diagnosis (MBD) problems
are generic as any diagnosis algorithm relies on a class of models, or a modeling framework, that represents a larger class of systems.

The purpose of this workshop is to gather researchers from several related fields such as Model-Based Diagnosis (DX community), knowledge-compilation, satisfiability (SAT), constraint satisfaction and optimization (CSP) to exchange ideas about  the following questions:

  • What are the limits of MBD algorithms?
  • How to measure the performance of MBD algorithms? benchmarks?
  • What are the links between the model properties (diagnosability, detectability,...) and MBD performance?
  • Which AI reasoning techniques to analyse the models and their properties?


Important dates

3rd June 2012 (extended deadline):Workshop paper submission deadline

05 July 2012 :Notification on workshop paper submissions

10 July 2012: Early registration date ECAI12

15 July 2012: Camera-copies

27 August 2012 (afternoon: 14:00-17:00): workshop

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